Shrewsbury EdTech

Tech resources for Shrewsbury Public School educators

Google Drive on the IPad: App vs Browser


Using Google Drive on the IPad can be a bit confusing — there are several different ways to access it, and each has its own pluses and negatives.  After searching the web for a basic guide that could walk me through the App versus access through the web browser versus web in Desktop Mode, I decided it was time to create one.  So, if you’re looking to improve your experience with Google Drive on the IPad, I hope this PDF will come in handy.  I’ve included screen shots below, and you can access / download it here.

Author: Mr. Mularella

Middle school science teacher/world traveler

3 thoughts on “Google Drive on the IPad: App vs Browser

  1. Dear Mr. Mularella and Mr. Pizzuto,

    I know I just saw one of your posts about “Dropittome” app. I am currently using it but I am facing a problem. I am wondering if you have faced such a kind of problem. When the several people submitting a document with the same title instead of saving each item individually it saves one over the other. I am wondering is there anyway to fix this problem. I really really appreciate your help.


  2. As far as I know, there is no remedy for this because the “Dropittome” app creates a folder in your Dropbox where all of the shared files are saved. Just like other folders on your computer, you cannot have two files with the same name. They will, as you said, overwrite each other. The best way to avoid this is to make sure the file names are all different. One method many teachers use is to have students include their name. For example, a lab report could be called “Mularella_labreport.docx”.

    On a side note, this problem does not happen when students share work with you on Google Drive. You could potentially have 50 files called “lab report”. I would still recommend you include students' names in the file name or have them save it to a file already shared with you.


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